Monday, June 23, 2008

Sigh of relief!

I've been enjoying a little pity party all morning, well afternoon too--I ate a cheeseburger, fries, coke, and carrot cake for lunch (all gluten-free of course :) What, you ask, could possibly send Michelle over the edge? Well, thanks for asking.

I have a friend who just had a baby (CONGRATULATIONS D) and I noticed on her blog that a lot of the people who commented have adopted or are in the process of adoption. So naturally I had to "research" (another way to say nosey) their experiences. Everyone I read about this morning is blissfully parenting or on their way to parenthood. We haven't heard anything from DHS for over a month now--besides my pestering calls that haven't been too productive. Dayn is a great anchor in that he continues to remind me that our child is going to appear in perfect timing. I agree, but I allowed my Monday morning pity party anyhow.

Well...I just got off the phone with a lovely woman from DHS who called for more information from us AND to schedule our first home study. Yippppppeeeeeeeee! They haven't forgotten about us. She apologized for the long wait and explained that her department has been in transition for about a month now. She's planning to meet at our house on next Monday. I'll keep you posted! No more cheeseburgers--for now. :0

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Oh, Michelle, if a cheeseburger makes the wait go faster, go for it! I completely relate to your frustration. During our adoption process I would feel so completely overwhelmed and powerless when we hit a bureaucratic snag (which happened often) and I would feel like it was NEVER going to happen for us. All I can say is that Dayn is right—it will all happen in perfect timing, even if it doesn't feel that way now, and when it does the memory of all this waiting will melt away. Still, it sucks when you're going through it.

If it helps, I had a dream the other night that you got a referral for an infant and a 4-year-old. Hmm …

Hoping for a speedy home study and an even speedier placement!!

XOXO Deirdre